
I’ve got your back.

I’m here to support you and meet you wherever you’re at, whether you just want to heal and deepen your relationship with your cycle, are planning on/struggling with conceiving, need postpartum support, or just need help balancing your body. 

I won’t offer you some trendy, restrictive diet or promise you a quick fix solution that won’t actually work. I’m here to put in the work, formulate a bioindividual plan, and finally get you feeling and living the way you deserve.

So are you ready to invest in yourself, uncover the root causes of weeks, months, or even years worth of symptoms, be provided with lifelong knowledge, and take back your birthright of THRIVING, RADIANT, health? 

Well, I’m certainly ready to help you, so let’s do this thing!

I can’t even begin to describe all the ways Ryann has changed my life the past 8 months. I came to her looking for some answers as to why I was having daily debilitating headaches, migraines, and ovarian cysts. We found a lot of very telling information from some lab work she ordered for me, and I made some major dietary changes with her support. She was constantly checking in with me which I really appreciated during such a drastic life change. Headaches are now a thing of the past and I haven’t gone this long without a migraine in years. I’m still working on my cysts, but they are less frequent than they originally were, which is such a relief. Ryann was always so kind to me, and listened to my concerns and new symptoms. She had so many recommendations for every different symptom I was feeling which really impressed me. I am recommending her to everyone I know! Thank you Ryann for all the work you do!!! I know it isn’t easy, but you seriously ROCK at this. You will change so many lives for the better and I’m so glad I found you!

K. Miller

I could cry when i think of the state i was in when i called Ryann for a consultation on my holiday in Greece. I was so desperate to feel normal again. No one understood what i was feeling but after that call i felt like i could actually get a handle on this. 
I was 2 weeks late for my period and felt absolutely terrible- emotional rollercoaster like i have never experienced before, apathy and something I didn’t mention to her at the time but i had suicidal thoughts ( but I wasn’t depressed- i knew this had to be something else) 
After our initial call I followed the protocol she set out and started noticing positive changes within a few days. Ryann was so kind in being available to answer my MANY questions and alter things as we went and then reintroduce. 
She clearly explained all of my test results and how each part of the protocol would help. 
My mood is balanced, symptoms have vanished and I’m well on my way to being 100% again for the first time in years. 
I don’t think these words do it justice really – I can’t put into words how grateful I am for her help and time. 
Thank you, Ryann

E. King

My time with Ryann was eye opening and brought me hope for a healthier and stronger body. Her expertise was incredibly helpful, she would always ask for any questions and answered thoughtfully, kindly and with knowledge. I feel like I understand myself and have the tools to support the my body more fully. I was skeptical at first, and nervous about potentially having to change my eating habits but Ryan was so understanding, accommodating and ultimately gave me more freedom in what I ate to give my body the nutrients it needs. Overall I feel better equipped to understand my body and eat foods that truly support my everyday living. Thank you Ryann!!

J. Porpillia

What I can help you with

If you’re struggling or need help with any of these (and more), Nutritional Therapy and cycle awareness can benefit you.


Irregular cycles, PCOS






Chronic fatigue


Post Birth Control Syndrome


Perimenopause & Menopause


TTC, Infertility, prenatal & postnatal care


Fertility Awareness Method




Digestive issues, Migraines, Acne, And More!

Above & Beyond

No one should have to navigate symptoms that are frusturating, scary, and life altering, alone. By signing up with me for 1:1 services, I’ll be right by your side every step of the way.


Our journey begins with an Initial Assesment, which gives us an inside look into your body, uncovers the root cause of your symptoms, and allows us to begin formulating a plan tailored uniquley to you. We’ll decide if a 3 month or 6 month plan is best for you prior to or at the assesment.

Payment Plans are available (and flexible to accommodate).

HSA funds can also be used!

Email me for more info or we can talk more about it during a consult call!

Initial Assessment

 During the Initial Assessment, we have a 1:1 consultation, where we discuss your current nutrition and supplementation situation and any health concerns. Get your questions answered and your needs addressed so that you can finally begin taking successful steps towards your healing journey. You’ll leave with new insights, some clarity, and an easy-to-implement plan.

What’s Included:

  • A comprehensive 320 symptom questionnaire which allows me to uncover the root causes of daily and weekly occurring symptoms and includes a unique visual of your health (pictured above or to the left)
  • An in-depth review of your health history and possible nutrient deficiencies
  • 5-day food and mood journal analysis — Here is where we can look for patterns, make connections, and tweak your food choices, eating habits, sleep, stress, movement, and more
  • Review of previous cycle charts (if applicable) to uncover possible hormone imbalances, thyroid dysfunction, and asses your metabolic health
  • A 90 minute virtual call together to review paperwork and lab results, define your health goals, build a roadmap toward those goals, and solidify your bio-individual healing plan
  • Custom protocol(s) and food, supplement, and lifestyle recommendations
The Total Package *New!*
$2,800 + cost of supplements 


monthly payment plan

If you’re suffering from things like endometriosis, irregular or panful periods, PCOS, infertility, thyroid issues, lingering gut issues, or other chronic symptoms or conditions and you’re serious about finally getting answers to your health concerns and want to explore all possible options, this package is for you. I’ve included the price of lab testing in this package (and slightly discounted!), to make it as straight forward and easy as possible. During our 6 months together, we’ll utilize 2 of the most beneficial labs I offer to help us uncover any hidden root causes contributing to your symptoms.

What’s included:

Everything included in the Initial Assessment plus-


  • Functional lab testing- GI Map ($325, $350 value) + DUTCH Complete or eFHP (hormone test via saliva) (we will determine which on is appropriate for you) ($365, $400 value)
  • Customized protocol including personalized meal plans
  • Professional grade, personalized supplement recommendations
  • Weekly check-ins via Practice Better
  • (2) 30min catch up calls per month
  • (2) retakes of the Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire to assess your progress during our time together and fine-tune protocols as needed
  • Additional Food and Mood journal reviews with recommendations to continue upping your nutrient density and maximizing food as medicine
  • FAM education and monthly review of your cycle chart where we monitor the length of each phase, ovulation, and hormone fluctuations
  • Education, guides, grocery lists, and handouts centered around the foundations of health with tips and tricks for heightening your unique body’s innate ability to run optimally, along with ways to start incorporating cyclical living based off of your unique cycle patterns.
  • Instant messaging support
3 Month Journey
$995 + cost of supplements & testing


monthly payment plan

It takes 90 days for an egg to mature in your ovaries, so it takes at least 90 days to start improving your fertility health!

You already know that you need a custom plan for your specific problems and desired outcome, but you want the support and oversight (and accountability) to go along with the process. In this plan, I walk alongside you to ensure that you are educated, supported, and on a path towards healing. I empower you and hold you accountable for your specific goals.

*Functional lab testing is not available for purchase with this package*

What’s included:

Everything included in the Initial Assesment plus-


  • Weekly check-ins via Practice Better
  • (2) 30min catch up calls per month
  • (2) retakes of the Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire to assess your progress during our time together and fine-tune protocols as needed
  • Additional Food and Mood journal reviews with recommendations to continue upping your nutrient density and maximizing food as medicine
  • FAM education and monthly review of your cycle chart where we monitor the length of each phase, ovulation, and hormone fluctuations
  • Education, guides, grocery lists, and handouts centered around the foundations of health with tips and tricks for heightening your unique body’s innate ability to run optimally, along with ways to start incorporating cyclical living based off of your unique cycle patterns.
  • Instant messaging support if needed
4 Month Journey
$1,400 + cost of supplements & testing


monthly payment plan

The more time we have together, the better! For those who want a little extra support or require a little more healing than can be accomplished in 3 months.

What’s included:

Everything included in the Initial Assesment plus-


  • Weekly check-ins via Practice Better
  • (2) 30min catch up calls per month
  • (2) retakes of the Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire to assess your progress during our time together and fine-tune protocols as needed
  • Additional Food and Mood journal reviews with recommendations to continue upping your nutrient density and maximizing food as medicine
  • FAM education and monthly review of your cycle chart where we monitor the length of each phase, ovulation, and hormone fluctuations
  • Functional lab testing (GI Map, MRT, SIBO testing, adrenal and hormone testing, DUTCH test.) This is not mandatory but is highly recommended!
  • Education, guides, grocery lists, and handouts centered around the foundations of health with tips and tricks for heightening your unique body’s innate ability to run optimally, along with ways to start incorporating cyclical living based off of your unique cycle patterns.
  • Instant messaging support if needed
6 Month Journey
 $2,200 + cost of supplements & testing


monthly payment plan

Are you struggling with chronic health ailments, such as infertility, PCOS, Hashimoto’s, IBS, and beyond? The 6 month journey is designed for those who require more in-depth healing. In addition, if you are TTC and conceive while working with me, we’ll shift our focus on prenatal care and support.

What’s included:

Everything in the Initial Assesment plus-

  • Weekly check-ins via Practice Better
  • (2) 30min catch up calls per month
  • (3) retakes of the Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire to assess your progress during our time together and fine-tune protocols as needed
  • Additional Food and Mood journal reviews with recommendations to continue upping your nutrient density and maximizing food as medicine
  • FAM education, monthly review of your cycle chart
  • Functional lab testing (GI Map, MRT, SIBO testing, adrenal and hormone testing, DUTCH test.) This is not mandatory but is highly recommended!
  • More in depth education on how to live according to your cycle
  • Education, guides, grocery lists, and handouts centered around the 6 foundations of health with tips and tricks for heightening your unique body’s innate ability to run optimally along with ways to start incorporating cylicial living based off of your unique cycle patterns
  • Instant messaging support if needed
1:1 Fertility Awareness Coaching
$180 Initial Meeting then $99 per month


Not sure where to start when it comes to a Fertility Awareness based method? Looking for 1:1 coaching to build confidence when using this method for either birth control or family planning? I’ll be with you every step of the way to build your confidence and make the transition as easy as possible.

What’s included:

  • Initial meeting- This will be a 60-90 minute meeting where we’ll go over everything you need to know when it comes to FAM. We’ll cover how to track your basal body temperature, how to interpret and track cervical mucus, identifying your fertile window, and more.
  • After our initial meeting, we’ll go on a month to month basis, and have biweekly check ins to review your chart and answer any questions you may have.
  • You’ll also have access to instant messaging with me where I can answer any of your pressing questions or updates.
Not sure where to start?

Schedule a free 20 minute consultation call where we can talk more about your symptoms, any questions you have, and how I may be able to help you.


(subject to change due to timezone change)

Tuesday to Friday : 7am- 3pm EST